Monday, February 10, 2014

Favorite Product Design

My favorite product is the ipod touch.

It is an amazing device that has email, a calendar, the weather, notes, and internet connection, alerts, a camera and  in one device.  It has a huge variety of apps that provide tools, games, resources and more.  It is constantly being updated through wifi, and keeps getting better and better.  

Friday, February 7, 2014

Product Description

Non-Functional Product: Butterfly Talker

Let's you speak to butterflies in a way they can understand.

Functional Product: Smeller Watch

For people who can't smell, it is a watch that also detects certain common or dangerous scents and alerts you of their presence.  The lower left sensor detects scents, and the upper right speaker allows for loud alerts, with varying volume for different scents.

"How to Ruin a Great Design" reaction

I agree, I can see how something such as an oversized first letter can distract you, particularly when driving, and make the sign generally useless and possibly counterproductive.  Useful designs should be simple, bold, and attention grabbing as a whole.  I also understand how sometimes over perfecting an image or design can take away from it's quality- you may need to just keep it simple and to the point.

Friday, January 24, 2014


1) I have frequently used Microsoft Word and Powerpoint since elementary school, and am fairly knowledgeable and capable in using both.   I have also used Microsoft Paint a lot to cut and combine images, but it has been a few years since I used it.  I have also used Excel many times and can make basic charts, but don't know in depth mechanics of it.
2) I took a photography class that involved using photoshop 2 or 3 years ago, but I can't remember too much from it off the top of my head.

3) I have a Windows PC at home, as well as my own Mac Laptop.  I have the word and powerpoint programs on both computers and have used them many times.  

4) I have not decided on a major yet, but if I do well with this class I may go for something related to computer graphics.  

5) I hope to learn a lot about Graphic Design and Photoshop, so that I can eventually use it in a job and for personal use as well.  

6) My favorite singer is possibly Selena Gomez, though I generally listen to songs based on content rather than artist.  

7) I don't have a favorite musician, I don't listen to solely instrumental music.  


9) Josh opened the door slowly, and his eyes darted around the dark, abandoned warehouse.  "Emily?" he called out desperately, but there was no answer.  Josh sighed, knowing he had no choice but to go in and look.  He creeped into the dark room, squinting to see if there was any sign of Emily but he had no luck.  He looked at his watch, and and to his horror he realized it was only two minutes until 5pm- he had to act fast!   

10) This is a picture of my two dogs at my dad's house, Maggie (Front, Lhasa-Poo, 2 yrs) and Henry (Bichon-Poodle, 9 years)